Jan 7, 2013

More sweating


  1. Just like to say, this is a great blog and has given me many self bondage ideas which i want to and have tried. Keep up the good work and ll the best with 2013!

    Love the photo (and the previous two using the neoprene sleepsack), I'd love to buy both a similar sleepsack and hood (infact Ive looked at several online). I'm wondering though, could you just enlighten me on how you get in and out alone. Ive figured your not using the internal sleeves by shear deduction and the slack in the material around there.

    Want to have a solid method before I swollow the bullet and by them! It will be much appreciated.

    1. Hi, nice to hear you like the photos.
      I've bought the sleepsack in the maximum available size, and I can force my arms into the arm pockets after closing the zip (which lets me sweat even more!). That's also the reason for the slack in the material.
      Of course it would be nicer to have a thighter fit, but then I would be impossible to close the zip.
